Sinopse: 9.79* analisa o legado da final masculina dos 100 metros nas Olimpíadas de Seul em 1988, quando o medalhista de ouro Ben Johnson testou positivo para esteróides anabolizantes e o escândalo reinou. Pela primeira vez, os oito atletas que participaram dessa infame corrida contam sua história. O filme foi premiado no Toronto International Film Festival e Amsterdam International Documentary Film Festival em 2012 e ainda no Jerusalem Film Festival de 2013.
Direção: Daniel Gordon
Produção Very Much So e Red Earth Films
Montagem: Nicholas Packer
Software: Final Cut Pro
Responsável por:
- Criar e abastecer os projetos de montagem com as cenas limpas e organizadas;
- criar timelines com cenas limpas e pré-edits de acordo com o briefing do montador.
Responsável por:
- Criar e abastecer os projetos de montagem com as cenas limpas e organizadas;
- criar timelines com cenas limpas e pré-edits de acordo com o briefing do montador.
Synopsis: 9.79* looks at the legacy of the men's 100 meters final at the 1988 Seoul Olympics, when gold medalist Ben Johnson tested positive for anabolic steroids and scandal reigned. For the first time, the eight athletes who participated in this infamous race tell their story. The film received awards at the Toronto International Film Festival and Amsterdam International Documentary Film Festival in 2012, and at the Jerusalem Film Festival in 2013.
Directed by: Daniel Gordon
Produced by Very Much So and Red Earth Films
Edited by Nicholas Packer
Software: Final Cut Pro
Responsible for:
- creating and updating the editing projects with all footage clean, organised and labeled according to the editor's briefing;
- making footage selects and pre-edits following the editor's briefing.
Responsible for:
- creating and updating the editing projects with all footage clean, organised and labeled according to the editor's briefing;
- making footage selects and pre-edits following the editor's briefing.